Saturday, March 7, 2009

7 March 2009

Haven't written in a while nothing much to say life is pretty boring. Actually it sucks some times but what are you going to do. Still have my job which in this day and age is a good thing and something I'm grateful for.
Obama is still president probably the last president of the US it seems all he Pelosi and Clinton want to do is turn it into a welfare state where minorities get everything through welfare and whites have to work. Let's see how long that last with them scaring all the businesses out of the country.
CMRA elections tomorrow should be interesting I think Mary will win. it should end up her and Jim. If Dave wins I'll lessen my support and time dramatically I see no reason to waste time on the Titanic. Can't wait to ride. That last snow storm last week was depressing and disgusting winter seems to have started in Oct and shows no sign of ending.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Feb 15 2009

Installed the computer yesterday. Today I went to Del's and helped her with her computer, regular phone, cell phone, fixed antique crystal candle holder, rearranged her oriental rugs, and checked out her Saab she needs at a minimum a battery I told her I'd pick one up for the next time I come down. Kathy sent her a Patriots shirt and a hat she liked them. Put on the forum and my other blog a post about Obama the puppet. Got a few comments. Somebody sent me an email thru my website they want the they said I had their site directed to mine please change it to theirs. I sent them an email told them it was mine and I'm not selling it.
They were from weird site looking to the future. the mother ship is calling.
Enough for now.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

14 Feb

Finally feeling better. I lived on Tylenol, cold tablets and vitamin C for a few weeks. I'd either get better of die. Like either is a big deal. Both are boring.
2 people called me after reading my letter the Ruling Aristocracy in 2 different papers. That's interesting in that people read what I write and that people agree with it. I'm going to my wife's today to install the computer I bought her. Other than that just a long boring day with a 3 day weekend. The holiday is Presidents day too bad they include Lincoln in it. In my mind he was a loser. He violated more of the constitution then Bush & Cheney did he should join them in infamy. Happy belated Darwin's day.

Monday, February 9, 2009

9 Feb 2009

Still not feeling well. At least the weather is getting warmer. Went to the CMRA meeting yesterday, some new bills coming out but nothing about helmets which is a good thing. Wrote a few pieces over the weekend sent one to the papers, the New Haven Register called today to confirm I wrote it they will be printing it. If anyone wants to read it I think it's titled the greatest threat to America and it's posted on my More Jimmybonz blog so enjoy.

Nothing much else still working for which I'm very grateful.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

1st Sat in Feb 2009

Still have that lousy head cold. Spent most of the day lying around and sleeping picked up some vitamin C maybe that'll help.
Saw Chainsaw and Pork and a few others tonight. Asked Chainsaw how to safely finished taking down a tree that broke in 1/2 this winter. It's no danger to the house so I'm not in a rush, he said he'd come over and help me take it down. Nice of him.
Found out people are actually reading my blogs some woman commented on my post of Barefoot and Pregnant which I posted back in the summer that nice.
Heard that song "Runaway train" I think it's by Tom Petty for about third time in about as many weeks after not hearing it for years. Somewhat apropos I keep remembering some of the words; when did I get so jaded all of life's mysteries seem so faded runaway train on the wrong track. It does feel like me alot these days. I know I'm not doing anything wrong so it's not the wrong track, maybe missing a sign of what I should be doing. I am jaded as hell, and life is faded.
It may change someday.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Feb 4 2009

Wow I found out today my wife reads this. Get a couple of million more reading it and maybe I'd get a job writing.
Anyway to bring her and anyone else up to date.
I'm still feeling lousy been living on cold meds and Tylenol for 2 weeks somewhat better.
Haven't heard from MTK since that phone call and he never sent me the photo so probably a bunch of bull or she came here and chopped him up.
Sat I was hanging with Donzo and some other people in Watertown as usual, my wife was suppose to be there but since she didn't feel good she never came down. Anyway had a couple of meetings today at work we still have jobs and I'm very grateful. Gonna bake some cookies and go to bed early. Hope I start feeling better soon.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

last day of Jan 2009

Survived the last few days haven't felt well head cold. Took Mitchy to my mother's this morning that puppy has been with me 10 years today I'm so grateful for him and the other dogs and cats. Some new bimbo on the forum talks and posts like some ho from the hood on welfare I'm enjoying the hell out of insulting welfare scum and what passes for education today. Over paid babysitters is what I call them. It does a good job of riling the welfare class up. Mind you I have no objection to or problem with anyone on social security disability or unemployment or any type of hand up like that. Those people have worked and contributed to society and now thru no fault of their own they need help. Their taxes have helped people all the years they worked it's good they get help back. I can't stomach the lazy welfare scum who feel they are owed and never worked just expect it handed to them. I wouldn't dial 911 for one of those scum. Sterilization and abortions should be mandatory for anyone welfare. Live in dorms eat in cafeterias and wear whatever ever type of uniform we want them to so they can be easily identified as parasites on society. But it's not a perfect world and I'm not in charge.