Saturday, January 31, 2009

last day of Jan 2009

Survived the last few days haven't felt well head cold. Took Mitchy to my mother's this morning that puppy has been with me 10 years today I'm so grateful for him and the other dogs and cats. Some new bimbo on the forum talks and posts like some ho from the hood on welfare I'm enjoying the hell out of insulting welfare scum and what passes for education today. Over paid babysitters is what I call them. It does a good job of riling the welfare class up. Mind you I have no objection to or problem with anyone on social security disability or unemployment or any type of hand up like that. Those people have worked and contributed to society and now thru no fault of their own they need help. Their taxes have helped people all the years they worked it's good they get help back. I can't stomach the lazy welfare scum who feel they are owed and never worked just expect it handed to them. I wouldn't dial 911 for one of those scum. Sterilization and abortions should be mandatory for anyone welfare. Live in dorms eat in cafeterias and wear whatever ever type of uniform we want them to so they can be easily identified as parasites on society. But it's not a perfect world and I'm not in charge.

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