Saturday, January 31, 2009

last day of Jan 2009

Survived the last few days haven't felt well head cold. Took Mitchy to my mother's this morning that puppy has been with me 10 years today I'm so grateful for him and the other dogs and cats. Some new bimbo on the forum talks and posts like some ho from the hood on welfare I'm enjoying the hell out of insulting welfare scum and what passes for education today. Over paid babysitters is what I call them. It does a good job of riling the welfare class up. Mind you I have no objection to or problem with anyone on social security disability or unemployment or any type of hand up like that. Those people have worked and contributed to society and now thru no fault of their own they need help. Their taxes have helped people all the years they worked it's good they get help back. I can't stomach the lazy welfare scum who feel they are owed and never worked just expect it handed to them. I wouldn't dial 911 for one of those scum. Sterilization and abortions should be mandatory for anyone welfare. Live in dorms eat in cafeterias and wear whatever ever type of uniform we want them to so they can be easily identified as parasites on society. But it's not a perfect world and I'm not in charge.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Jan 28 2009

Snowy and icy rain . Still not feeling well. baked some cookies and made lunch for the next couple of days. Going to bed early again. Hopefully more later.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jan 27 2009

Still winter, yeah big surprise. Expecting a real mess tomorrow, rain, sleet, snow all of winter in a few hours. Hopefully one of the last storms this winter. LOL.
Went to dawgs and got the tattoo I wanted came out nice. I still planning the band I want on my left arm it will have dogs in it. I gave him the wood burning he liked it. I also took some pictures before for my records. I have to get all the pictures off the other computer soon.
Nothing else much new still holding our own at work I'm very grateful for that. What a boring life.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

25 Jan 09

Cold about 3 degrees this morning around 7 finally got up to the low 20's. Rough. Went to AC Moore and picked up some wood heart blanks and wood clock blank. Worked on the heart ones today for Del to give to her granddaughters, they're burned and stained coming out nice. Wrote the letter for the CMRA requesting donations for the Legislative dinner. Rich did some editing it reads more political now. That's cool it's now in Mary's hands and it is generic and can be sent to anyone. She should probably do that. Marketing something the CMRA doesn't do. I'll suggest it to her.
Made taco chicken and cookies for work and just relaxed with the dogs.
MTK called haven't talked to him in a long time, he's divorced since Nov. He's just back from Brazil on his way to see his mother in Ireland we're suppose to get together next Sat at Del's. He claims to have a Brazilian girlfriend or fiancee who was a model. he hasn't emailed the photo yet. should be interesting.
Back to work in the morning.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Jan 24 2009

Long days. Work, woodburning, hung out last night with Don and some friends, spent today at Rudy's working on my blazer and another guys pick-up. Tomorrow I maybe installing a computer and printer for someone.
My mother wants me to wood burn some hearts for my 2 youngest nieces for next Sat. that 'll keep me busy. I was going to A.C Moores anyway so I'll see what they have.
Weather was decent in the mid to upper 30's but now dropping back down to the single digits and maybe below zero for the next few days. So tired of this winter.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jan 21 2009

Finished the wood burning. Spent some time on the forum. Both printers arrived today I'm keeping the HP all in one wireless from great price. The other from tiger direct was a great price but I missed the fact it wasn't wireless and didn't have a scanner so it's going back.
Work is slow but I'm grateful to have a job.
Going to Rudy's on Sat to do an oil change, replace the serpentine belt ( I'm impressing myself preventive maintenance) and he's going to help me put new pins and bushing in the drivers door. So far in the past 12 months I've had both upper and lower ball joints replaced in a shop. I've done the brakes and rotors front and rear and the radiator plus oil changes. Hopefully it'll be good to go for awhile.
Tired bored and lonely.
Going to start taking pictures of the dogs and cats maybe post some here.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

20 Jan 2008

Skipped writing yesterday because I forgot I just set up the blog. Oh well the brain cells weren't firing that good.
Nothing much new happening still cold and snow covered. Actually had to shovel about 4-5 inches yesterday before work. Yeah I love that out there before 5am. I can't wait for the winter to end.
Took the tracing marks of the wood burning tonight and stained it, tomorrow I'll add the color and then clear coat it.
Talked to Don one evening in the next week or so we're going to go down to Dawgs and I'm getting another tattoo. Don says he might too though the real reason he's going is I don't know where Dawgs shop is. I see him and get inked at parties, I just don't feel like waiting til the next one. Plus it's a birthday present to myself. Also considering joining and MC. All these years of riding independent and fighting for bikers rights it maybe time for a change. Then again I was never someone who liked to be told when you were supposed to be somewhere. Lot of thought is going to go into this. Could be just the winter blues. Time will tell.
Maybe I'll start a letter to the editor tonight or just think about it.
Time to watch TV.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday Jan 18, 2009

My birthday was Friday. Long boring weekend. Saw my mother, had breakfast with her Sat. Spent some time with some friends in the evening.
Today woke up to fresh snow, years ago when I skied that would have been great, now I just long for warm dry weather to fire up the scooter and ride. Must be getting old, like to get lucky and hit the lotto or powerball and get a winter home someplace like AZ or NM. Who know maybe I will.
Today was spent writing on the forum, baking and cooking for lunch for the next couple of days lunches. Playing with the big puppies (not one is under 90# and they all think they're lap dogs) and the cats. Repaired a lamp. Pretty much just a normal day.
Maybe I'll get a new tattoo this week, I've got a cool one picked out a women holding a pentacle really sharp I found it in the book Magical Rites from the Crystal Well. I've already done a woodburning of it.
When I get the scanner hooked up I'll see if I can get it up on this blog.